
programs of choice

Programs of Choice: Online Education’s Single Biggest Advantage

The single biggest advantage online degree programs offer is choice. More options to choose from means greater opportunity to find the right program for diff…

get a degree

New Year’s Education Resolutions that Stick

Getting (or finishing) a degree is a very popular New Year’s Resolution, but it can be an expensive mistake if you don’t do it the right way. Over the nearly…

online degrees

5 Reasons to Respect an Online Degree

While sharing information on their company’s education assistance, a contact recently mentioned that they would be less interested in paying for an online pr…

College Accreditation

Understanding College Accreditation

When employees are searching for a degree, or employers are considering assisting in paying for a degree, accreditation is a basic requirement. Accreditation…

Key to Success for Non-Traditional Students

The Key to Success for Non-Traditional Students

Congratulations, you’ve made the big decision to go back to school and get a degree. Now comes the hard part. Whether you’re finishing your undergrad or taki…

find degrees online

Why It’s So Hard to Find Degrees Online

Overheard in a house in Nashville, October 2018 Okay, I’m finally going to do it. I’m finally going get my bachelors degree. Lisa at work has been talking ab…

education assistance

Turning Tuition Assistance into Education Assistance

Your tuition assistance program may need more hoops… A recent survey by Robert Half Finance & Accounting reports that fully 63% of executives are willing t…

degree programs

With Degree Programs One Size Fits All – Until It Doesn’t

There’s been a lot of news lately about some of America’s largest employers getting more active with their tuition assistance programs. Walmart, Disney, Lyft…

tuition assistance programs

5 Tips for Turbocharging your Tuition Assistance Program

Tuition and education assistance programs are a hot benefit item. Companies are looking to enhance the education of their workforce, and employees are lookin…

The Biggest Mistake People Make When Choosing a Degree Program

Let’s say you’re a mom of three kids, each under 10 years old. You spend a lot of time with neighbors cooking out or on play dates, going to kid’s sports and…